Friday, 7 October 2011

1992 Mazda MX3 head gasket change?

I am 90% positive that I am in need of a head gasket. I know it hasn't blown yet but that it's going to. I think lol... I also am building up SERIOUS pressure in my radiator would this be from my head gasket going or what? Driving it makes it build CRAZY pressure UGH!!! The oil doesn't look too bad so the head gasket is just mildly leaking if it is at all, and well, I am curious more so of the pressure build up.1992 Mazda MX3 head gasket change?when the oil gets water it dont mean you need headgasket it could be something more serious than that, when you pull your cyl head you have to take it to a machine shop and rebuild the cyl head before you install the new gasket

because? the cyl head could be bent and the water will going to the oil or worst could be crack somewhere

also you have to check if the engine block is straight, sometimes is also bent and need to be rebuilded as same as the cylhead, by the way you also have to check the cylinders at the engine

and overheating problems are not only for the water pump or radiator could be a lot of things like, weak hoses, bad coolant mixture, thermostat, radiator cap, slow spinning fans, cloged radiator, cloged water lines and cylhead

ill be start by taking the car to a good radiator shop and get your system clean with a machine they have before do something you are not so sure, also change the little things like hoses, good coolant and radiator cap

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